Getting financial advice

Neither the Trustees, nor Credit Suisse, nor Fidelity can give you specific advice about your pension savings.

If you would like advice about any aspect of your pension savings, please consider taking independent financial advice. The following organisations can provide more information.

Contacts for finding financial advice

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulates financial  services firms (including financial advisers) and financial markets in the UK. Its website has a section on choosing and using a financial adviser, including the questions you should ask. It has a list of unauthorised firms you should avoid and a “Scamsmart” section with a list of known scams.

You can also view this FCA video on what to expect from financial advice.

Money Advice Service

The Money Advice Service has information about consumer finances, including obtaining independent financial advice. It has a searchable directory of financial advisers who specialise in providing advice about retirement.

The Money Advice Service also has a video about taking financial advice.

Personal Finance Society

The Personal Finance Society has a “What we do for the public” section with more information about financial advice and a “Find an adviser” search tool.

Choosing and using a financial adviser

You should check whether your adviser has the right qualifications. They must be qualified at Level 4 or above of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (equivalent to the first year of a university degree) and have an up-to-date Statement of Professional Standing.

If you want advice about transferring your benefits out, you should ask your adviser whether they are a pension transfer specialist. You can look for a financial adviser with the “Pension Transfer Gold Standard”, a voluntary code of good practice for pension transfer advice. The Personal Finance Society has more information about the Pension Transfer Gold Standard at:

Before meeting your adviser, you should collect together as much information as possible about your financial situation. You should also ask your adviser about their charges and how you will pay them. 

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