Welcome to My CS Pension Place

This website is for you if, before 1 June 2017, you:

  • worked for the Credit Suisse group of companies, or one of the companies listed below, in the UK, or
  • built up UK benefits in the Credit Suisse Group (UK) Pension Fund (the “Fund”).

This website is designed to give you information to help you understand:

  • your benefits, including what you can and cannot do with them
  • the options you have for retiring, so you can plan and make better decisions for you.

Some sections have expandable content. Wherever there's a sentence starting with an arrow inside a grey circle, click anywhere on the sentence to reveal more content.

We've completed a buy-in with Legal & General – what does this mean for you?

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve completed a buy-in for the Fund with Legal & General. A buy-in is the purchase of a bulk annuity insurance policy for the defined benefits (DB) in the Fund.

This is a positive step for the Fund, increasing the security for DB members’ benefits.

There’s nothing you need to do and you won’t see any changes to the way we look after your benefits in the Fund.

To find out more, including how your data is shared with Legal & General, please have a look at our detailed communication about the buy-in. You can also get more information on how your data is held by Legal & General by reading their privacy notice

The buy-in does not affect defined contribution benefits within the Fund.

Virtual hello


A virtual 'Hello' from your Fund Trustee

You may recall seeing that a new Trustee was appointed last year to run the Fund. Our role is to look after your benefits in the Fund and we feel it’s important you know who we are.

The Trustee isn’t just one individual or a name on a letter. We’ve put together a short video for you to explain what we do and what our priorities are for the Fund.

Getting in touch

You can find out more about the Trustee on the 'Getting in touch' page.

You may receive a letter or email regarding verification of your details

From time to time we contact members to confirm that the information we hold for you is correct and up to date. Correct information ensures that we can continue to contact you with important information about your pension. It also helps us to prevent fraud.

In order to do this, we work with the Fund’s administrators, Fidelity, and an external data company. Currently we use LexisNexis Risk Solutions. LexisNexis works with lots of pension schemes like ours to help verify the information we hold for members.

If you receive a letter or email from Fidelity or LexisNexis Risk Solutions asking you to verify your details, please be assured this is a genuine request for information.

Who did you work for?

Which pension scheme are you in?

Before 1 June 2017, the Credit Suisse Group (UK) Pension Fund was Credit Suisse’s main UK pension scheme.

On 1 June 2017 the Credit Suisse Master Trust was established. This is a separate scheme. The Fund and the Master Trust are both administered by Fidelity. 

If you only have benefits in the Credit Suisse Master Trust, this website is not relevant for you. Please contact Fidelity for information about your benefits. Visit Help and contacts for contact details.

What kind of benefits do you have?

Why might you be looking here?

I want to find my benefits

I want to understand more about what I can do with my benefits

I'm thinking about retiring

I want to understand dependants' benefits

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